Our most popular services include soil infiltration rate testing, stormwater designs for residential projects, coal mine hazard evaluations, tsunami hazard evaluations and erosion/landslide hazard area risk assessments. Our services are as detailed below:
Soil infiltration rate testing for low impact development (LID) stormwater BMPs (permeable pavement, bioretention facilities, rain gardens)
Soil infiltration evaluations for professionally engineered stormwater designs (short plats and long plats, residential projects, small commercial and mixed-use developments)
Help with the City of Bellingham's Onsite Stormwater BMP Guidance for projects less than 5,000 square feet of new or replaced hard surfaces
Soil testing and prescriptive stormwater design services for projects subject to Minimum Requirement #5 - Onsite Stormwater Management (infiltration trenches and drywells, dispersion trenches and splash blocks, rain gardens, perforated stub-out connections, permeable pavement/pavers and sheet flow/concentrated flow dispersion)
Soils reports for BMP T5.10A Downspout Full Infiltration Systems and BMP T5.15 Permeable Pavements/Pavers
Determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and design infiltration rates (pilot infiltration testing and grain size analysis method)
Soils reports and stormwater design services for the Sudden Valley Community Association Appendix D: Homeowner Stormwater Workbook (including Stormwater Facility Location Site Plans and Tree Canopy Retention Plans)
Soil infiltration evaluations and prescriptive stormwater design services for projects in the Lake Whatcom, Lake Samish, Lake Padden, Birch Bay and Drayton Harbor watersheds
Slope setback evaluations for infiltration and dispersion stormwater systems
Help with (non-engineered) HDPE stormwater outfall systems for residential projects on smaller slopes
Residential stormwater/sump pump system design recommendations
Wet season groundwater monitoring and seasonal high groundwater estimates
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic content (OC) testing
Geologic Hazards
Full critical area reports for geologically hazardous areas (erosion, landslide and coal mine hazards) in the City of Bellingham per BMC 16.55.410, 16.55.420, 16.55.430, 16.55.440 and 16.55.450
Limited geohazard reports for projects that qualify for a minor critical area permit in the City of Bellingham per BMC 16.55.080 and 16.55.205
Tsunami hazard reports for Whatcom County (Birch Bay, Sandy Point, Blaine)
Risk assessments for geohazards (landslide, coastal erosion, alluvial fan, volcanic, seismic and river hazards)
Shoreline and coastal erosion rate estimates
Slope stability assessments
Safe building setback recommendations
Stabilization techniques for unstable slopes
Vegetation management on steep slopes
Additional Services
Geotechnical and geohazard evaluations for property purchase feasibility
Fill and peat delineation
Depth to bedrock investigations for planning a foundation excavation
Evaluations for foundation settlement and drainage issues
USDA soil textural classification for septic design
Code compliance violations
Help with permitting and project coordination
Mapping and drafting services using AutoCAD (site plans)
Referrals to qualified local professionals and contractors
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